Another exciting calendar item just arrived in my Inbox that I am sure many of you will be interested in. A new team has recently been formed to address the Ubuntu users that want to learn more, but aren't quite ready for something as big as Ubuntu Developer week. These events are aimed at teaching the beginner and intermediate user how to improve their Ubuntu experience. From "Command Line Basics" to "Partitioning 101″, this event will teach you the skills you need to become a more proficient and more knowledgeable Ubuntu user!
From the announcement:
The Ubuntu User Days Team would like to announce the first Ubuntu User Day, on January 23, 2010. This will be a very informative one day session geared towards beginner and intermediate Ubuntu users, as well as people who are interested in using Ubuntu. We have 14 classes covering topics ranging from installing Ubuntu, finding help, equivalent programs, using IRC, getting involved in the Ubuntu Community and more. We have enlisted the help of many talented people to lead these classes throughout the day.
These classes will be taught in #ubuntu-classroom with questions being asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat on Please visit for a complete class list and schedule of classes.
I would invite anyone interested in improving their overall Ubuntu skill set to attend this event. Find out more by visiting the Ubuntu Wiki : UserDays []
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